
Powerful heart medicine is indigenous to Central and South America and found in tropical climates all across the world, like Uganda, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Indonesia, and many more.

Theobroma cacao comes from the Greek language and translates to ‘Food of the gods.’  (Theos means ‘god’, and broma means 'food'.)

Theobromine, one of cacao’s unique antioxidants, kills Streptococcus mutans, the main bacteria contributing to the formation of plaque on artery walls and teeth. Thereby preventing tooth decay and heart problems caused by cholesterol. 

A sacred plant medicine long heralded by ancient civilizations with the highest whole food source of chromium and magnesium found in the world (magnesium being the number one biggest mineral deficiency in modern culture today). Magnesium is extensively involved in relaxing the heart and various bodily muscles, helping to pump blood while reducing blood pressure and potential spasms. 

Magnesium is highly involved in the maintenance of healthy skin and bones and the regulation of the cardiovascular system. In conjunction, magnesium also soothes nerves and anxiety and aids in the process of detoxification. It helps to regulate an abundance of calcium, potassium, and sodium, relieving symptoms of constipation and mineral overdose. A highly alkalizing agent that neutralizes the negative effects of acidity Providing a perfect pH level for an optimally healthy body.

Known to be the highest whole-food source of antioxidants. Antioxidants prevent the effects of aging and render the forces of decay inert. Cacao has long been speculated to be one of the most biochemically diverse food sources on the planet! This would account for its myriad array of benefits for all biological, emotional, and neural functioning. 

A complete protein source, having all the essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own and in the right proportions too. Cacao is full of life, offering the body vast vistas of energy and blissful sensation. 

Due to the abundance of the endocannabinoid anandamide (which isn’t found in any other food source in the world except Cannabis Sativa), which co-synthesizes with phenylethylamine (PEA) and oleoyl ethanolamide (OEA),  PEA is referred to as the “love molecule” in the scientific community and is the name given to serotonin. Commonly associated with feel-good and aphrodisiac qualities. This is probably the reason why chocolates are a commonly exchanged gift on Valentine's Day.

An interesting fact about cacao:

"At the time of the Spanish conquest, cacao bean currency in the commercially active economy of the Aztec empire ranked above gold dust as the principal form of money.” 


  • Cacao beans have more antioxidants than red wine, acai, pomegranates, and goji berries combined.
  • Potent moisturizer and skin rejuvenator.
  • Contains the rare enzyme inhibitor MAO, which reduces appetite and circulates more serotonin and dopamine naturally in the brain
  • It reverses aging and promotes the growth of youthful cells
  • Rich in magnesium and chromium (80% of Americans are nutrient deficient in both),
  • Creates sensations of love and bliss due to PEA and anandamide.
  • A natural all-muscle relaxant
  • A complete protein with significant amounts of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
  • 21% RDA of vitamin C in 28 grams of cacao
  • Worth more than gold in the Aztec empire

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